Pyramid Atlantic Book Fair

My table at the Pyramid Atlantic Book Fair

I’m awfully ambivalent about selling my books and artwork at craft and book fairs. On the plus side, I replenish my bank account and meet people who love books and reading as much as I do. On the negative side, the days can be really long and my jaw hurts at the end from smiling so much. But I’ve done enough fairs now over the years that the preparation is routine, and I’ve figured out how to pack effectively for fairs that require me to fly to get there.
Last week-end I had a table at a 2-day book arts fair across the country from my home, in Silver Spring Maryland. I wasn’t expecting many sales, what with the screaming headlines in the papers saying this holiday season is going to be the worst ever. But my Mom, sister and brother-in-law live near by, so I thought of this as a family visit rather than a “business trip.” I kept my expenses down by staying with Mom and using my sister’s car. And my sister, who owns a bakery and went to cooking college, made yummy dinners and provided Mom & me with pastry for breakfast and cookies for lunch.
After eating so well, maybe I was predisposed to have a good time at this particular fair. I sold more than I expected. I met several people who have written articles for Ampersand, the quarterly book arts journal I edit. When things were slow, my table mate was fun to talk to. As they looked at my books, many people commented that my work is happy and colorful and well displayed. And what fun to watch the smiles break out as people flip through my flip books!
Back home now, the next few weeks will be hectic as I get ready for 2 more holiday fairs here at home in San Francisco — Bazaar Bizarre in Golden Gate Park, Sunday November 30, 10am-5pm, and at the San Francisco Center for the Book on Friday December 12 (6-8pm) and Saturday December 13 (12 noon-5pm).

One thought on “Pyramid Atlantic Book Fair”

  1. I like your display and I am so happy to hear you sold. That is one tough fair to work even with cookies waiting at home. See you at the SF Fairs.

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