Prompt Challenge: Exoteric

exoteric. adj; Popular; simple; commonplace.

The Rest is Noise (no 4)This is my 7th prompt challenge word and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. Each week the word has given me multiple new structures or ideas to investigate, and after 7 words the list has gotten quite long. And I’m still working on Turkish Map Fold ideas generated from the very first word! So this week I shoehorned the challenge into something I’m already doing.
Over the past several months I’ve been making collages to use in my calendar design for next year. I make most of my collages on paper that I have letterpress printed a haiku along the bottom. The haiku I thought appropriate for “exoteric” is

Listen around the bustle,
delight in the everyday–
the rest is noise.

The collage pictured is the result. I did another too, which you can see here.
Next word: morceau. n; 1. Piece; morsel. 2. An excerpt or passage of poetry or music.