Calendar Planning, part II

Weather Tree CalendarMy current plan for 2010 is to make a less traditionally calendar-like calendar. My first “calendar” (from 2004) was a reading diary, a journal for keeping track of books read during the year — certainly not traditional.
In poking around the web the other day, here’s what I found to get me going on figuring out what I might do. One I quite like is the “weather calendar” to the right. The tree has a branch for each month, and enough empty leaves on each for the days in a particular month. As the year winds along, leaves are colored each day — green for good weather and blue for rainy weather — to produce a colorful tree that follows the seasons.
Then there’s PockMod… I think my friend Steve Woodall was the first person to tell me about this site, and the post on the Weather Tree Calendar also mentions it. The site lets you construct a one sheet organizer that you fold into a tiny booklet that fits in your pocket. There are templates for a large range of pages — calendars, shopping lists, reference and conversion charts…
Finally, this one by Jill at Beau Ideal is traditional in the sense that it has a monthly gridded calendar. But the typography of the names of people born in a particular month is really fun. Below is June. You can see all the months here.

Beau Ideal’s 2009 Calendar

2 thoughts on “Calendar Planning, part II”

  1. I just made three pockmods instead of getting washed and dressed. There is no end of the trouble you will get me into! The pattern is, of course, our old friend the meander book dressed up to go to town and BE USEFUL. I love it.

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