A Young Mad Scientist’s First Alphabet Blocks

The first books I designed were ABC books, so I seem to gravitate toward anything alphabetical. These Young Mad Scientist’s ABC blocks from xylocopa are appropriately silly. They say “we have noticed that there is absolutely no training in the K-6 grades that prepares students to become mad scientists. In this competitive 21st-century world, the need for mad scientists will only increase, but the lack of basic education in primary school leaves us concerned that there will be no future students capable of leading in this illustrious field.” Here’s a list of the images (I especially like C) and then the blocks with their old-fashioned letters and illustrations.

A – Appendages
B – Bioengineering
C – Caffeine
D – Dirigible
E – Experiment
F – Freeze ray
G – Goggles
H – Henchmen
I – Invention
J – Jargon
K – Potassium
L – Laser
M – Maniacal
N – Nanotechnology
O – Organs
P – Peasants (with Pitchforks)
Q – Quantum physics
R – Robot
S – Self-experimentation
T – Tentacles
U – Underground Lair
V – Virus
W – Wrench
X – X-Ray
Y – You, the Mad Scientist
     of Tomorrow
Z – Zombies

A Young Mad Scientist’s First Alphabet Blocks