Last Lines

I know first lines of several books, but not so many last lines. So I enjoyed the posters in Valerie Perreault‘s shop. For instance, this one from Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility really sums up the complexities of friendship.

Between Barton and Delaford, there was that constant communication which strong family affection would naturally dictate;–and among the merits and the happiness of Elinor and Marianne, let it not be ranked as the least considerable, that though sisters, and living almost within sight of each other, they could live without disagreement between themselves, or producing coolness between their husbands.

And, there seems to be a website for everything. Because when I asked google for the last line of Sense and Sensibility, I found this: First Line, Last Line: The Bookends to Your Favorite Books (Spoiler Alert)

last lines from Jane Austen's SENSE AND SENSIBILITY
last lines from Jane Austen’s SENSE AND SENSIBILITY