Say What‽

interobang symbolI have a friend who I can count on to know the meaning of any word thrown at her. But to my surprise, I recently stumped her with “interobang.” An interobang is a little used punctuation mark combining a question mark (also called the interrogative point) and an exclamation mark (which typesetters refer to as a bang). That’s it to the right. It was introduced in 1962 by Martin K. Speckter as a short hand punctuation for statements where neither mark alone exactly served the writer (as in “She said what?!”) As a silly extension, the reverse and upside down interrobang (combining ¿ and ¡), suitable for starting phrases in Spanish, is called a gnaborretni (interrobang backwards).

4 thoughts on “Say What‽

  1. I never knew about the interobang; I’ve always been a “?!” type of girl. perfect.

    I hope to see some cool interobang stuff on Etsy. In fact, I’m off to search right now!

  2. Well, you stumped me, too, and I’m always using both the question mark and bang, so this is a fabulous find indeed.


    PS Sure glad I saw the Etsy Forums thread about blogs!

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