Moveable Type

Kyle Durrie of Power and Light Press recently funded a new project called Moveable Type: cross country adventures in printing through Kickstarter, a sort of social network site for raising money for small projects. Her description of the traveling venture:

“My plan is to build a mobile print shop in the back of an old delivery truck. Within these tight quarters, I’ll create an efficient and fully functional shop, with a small table top press for printing smaller work, and a larger proof press, capable of printing larger posters.

And then I’ll take this rig on the road! I plan on visiting schools, art spaces, city parks, music festivals, craft shows, parties, and anywhere else that might have an interest in learning about printing.”

See more about the project here.

One thought on “Moveable Type”

  1. Will Durrie be squeezing living quarters into the van along with the workshop?

    There are few media I can think of that are less portable than letterpress printmaking. What a challenge!

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