
Retrofonts by Gregor StawinskiGregor Stawinski’s book Retrofonts is a chronicle of more than 360 fonts designs from last 150 years, with an accompanying CD containing 222 copyright-free fonts. He’s categorized the fonts into nine chronological sections, ranging from “Art Nouveau and Japonism” to “Postmodern and Punk.” It was reviewed in the NY Times Book Review the other day. The reviewer, Steven Heller, says “This is not the first book to collect passé typefaces. Nor is it the first to uncritically celebrate the good, the bad and the ugly. But it is one of the most attractive and inclusive works of its kind, revealing how, as the preface states, ‘fonts encode the zeitgeist’.” You can see samples of the fonts in the book here.

One thought on “Retrofonts”

  1. Thanks, Green Chair. Adding this volume to my wishlist. I’ve caught type fever! Have you read Just My Type by Simon Garfield. Font history!
    Type gossip! Insider letterspace jokes.

    Oh my…must lie down.

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