Map & Text Collages

matthew cusick map collage detail matthew cusick word collage

Matthew Cusick does collages with maps and texts. Above on the left is a detail of Red and Blue and on the right is a detail from Ether (which uses Bible and history book pages). He also alters book pages — see the collection called Defacements where, using pages from olld schoolbooks, he alters them “through a process of scraping and sanding to isolate the illustrations and remove all but a few words of text. The page numbers are also left intact so that the works can be reassembled into a unique codex.” About this work he says:

Defacements are obsessively crafted amalgamations of word and image in the tradition of altered books and concrete poetry. The re-contextualization of image, word, and number creates a new storyline that is often in the spirit of a prankster student who has marked up a textbook with irreverent and provocative commentary.