Books from the exhibition

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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Earth Air Fire Water

Literary: quotations in alphabetical order, selected and augmented with illustrations by Peter Malutzki

FlugBlatt-presse; Lahnstein, Germany; 1986

Author: various

Illustrator/Artist: Peter Malutzki

Printer: Peter Malutzki

Binder: Helmuth Halbach


Black handset letterpress in Futura and Candida on Chromolux paper. The illustrations are from wood and lead type, zinc plates and brass rules. Edition of 100, 144 pages.

This alphabet book deals with the four elements: earth, fire, air, and water. It contains 26 illustrated literary quotations from different novels and tales, one for each letter of the alphabet.

The FlugBlatt-Presse was founded in 1980 by Heidi Hëbner, Peter Malutzki and Manfred Prochotta. From 1987 until 2000 Malutzki ran the press on his own. Since 1997 he has worked with Ines von Ketelhodt on the ten-year project Zweite Enzyklopädie von Tlön. In 2006 they finished the 50-volume undertaking.


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