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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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I Have Affirmed

Despalles Éditions; Paris, France / Mainz, Germany; 1986/87

Author: Johannes Beckelmann

Artists: Dieter Wagner, Dieter Hermann, Johannes Strugalla, Lothar M. Micklei

Binder: Vitus Mënch


Five poems in German, with translation into French by Françoise Despalles, into Dutch by Machtelt van Thiel. Edition of 150, 82 pages. Handset letterpress and silkscreen.

Dieter Wagner was the initiator of this book, an interpretation of Beckelmann's text by four artists, in four languages - in reaction to the atmosphere of the cold war. Dieter Wagner presents the German text with red, green and black typography on orange paper; Dieter Hermann/Infrarot (infrared) has an image related response in fluorescent colors; Johannes Strugalla, from Paris, uses poetic space to fill white figures on black paper; Lothar M. Micklei presents a fold-out Dutch text version in various types. The book was awarded the gold medal I.B.A. in Leipzig in 1989.

Despalles éditions appeared for the first time in 1982 at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Their first goal was to print, publish and distribute graphic editions. Since then, artists' books and visual poetry have become the focus of their work. At the same time, the press sees itself as a bridge between France and Germany, introducing bilingual editions in the other lingual and cultural space. The works of Johannes Strugalla — visual artist, experimental typographer and author — has a forming influence on the editions. Books and prints are printed by letterpress as well by high quality inkjet and laser print. Françoise Despalles, initiator of the German book artists group 13+, and Strugalla run the press.


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