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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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CTL-Presse, Clemens-Tobias Lange; Hamburg, Germany; 1988

Authors: Johannes Caspar Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Clemens-Tobias Lange

Illustrator: Artist Clemens-Tobias Lange

Printer: text SchumacherGebler Mënchen

Printer: images

Binder: Christian Zwang


The second book of CTL Presse. Book design Clemens-Tobias Lange. Set in Monotype Dante and Dante italic and printed letterpress on Japanese Hanakurabe Torinoko paper. Concertina binding, 2x42 pages. In Italian and German, with eight original color linocuts. Edition of 150, plus five numbered and signed copies.

The texts on Venice were taken from 1. Johann Caspar Goethe's Reise durch Italien im Jahre 1740, Viaggio in Italia; 2. Johann Wolfgang Goethe's Italienische Reise, Viaggio in Italia and 3. Carnevale der Serenissima, observations by Clemens-Tobias Lange with translation into Italian by Susanne Schoop.

Many consider the CTL-Press as a laboratory for research on the book — a poetic application of rarely used, fine or forgotten materials and languages. Sometimes there are collaborations with artists, as with Georges Adéagbo, Stephan Köhler, Jutta Schwöbel, Susanne Wenger and Domenico Brancale.


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