Books from the exhibition

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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Klingstedts Romantic Reasons

Handpressen Edition Clair Obscure; Weimar, Germany; 1988

Author: Werner Söllner

Illustrator: Artist Ullrich Panndorf

Printer: Ullrich Panndorf

Binder: Ullrich Panndorf


Clair Obscure painter's books Nr. 2. Letterpress on Zerkall-Bëtten paper, 20 pages with five etchings. Edition of 50.

The second of the Clair-Obscure-Painter's books, which Ullrich Panndorf inaugurated in 1987 with the unpublished poems of Ernest Wichner and which he continued in 1988 under the title KLINGSTEDTS ROMANTISCHE GRËNDE with a text by the Romanian-German poet Werner Söllner.

Out of his love for books and the joy of his exchanges with poets, Panndorf was led to found his own press. It was a challenge for him to go beyond being a mere contributor and to take into his own hands the total design and production.


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