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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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The Green Woman

Hirundo Press; Hamburg, Germany; 1999

Author: Kathleen Jamie

Translator: Caroline Saltzwedel

Illustrator/Artist: Caroline Saltzwedel

Printer: Klaus Raasch, Hamberg

Binder: Karen Begemann, Hamberg


Book design by Caroline Saltzwedel. Edition of 30, 20 pages printed in hand-set Walbaum Antiqua on Zerkall rag paper, with four etchings printed in the simultaneous color technique.

Kathleen Jamie's poems vividly capture the circumstances before and immediately after the birth of her first child (the Scottish expression "a green woman" means someone who has just given birth). A few Scots terms appear in the poems and are briefly explained in a glossary at the end.

The Hirundo Press was founded by Caroline Saltzwedel in 1998 for the production of etchings and artist's books in small editions. It takes its name from the swallow (Hirundo rustica). Hirundo Press occasionally produces new work by contemporary poets in letterpress editions. Other works relate to literary and mythological lodestars that guide the migratory bird through life: Joyce's Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, Homer's Odyssey, the Four Elements. Here the etchings, most of them printed in several colors simultaneously, play the most important role. To date, the Hirundo Press has published seven books and portfolio works.


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