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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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The Next Moon will be Different

Belser-Presse; Stuttgart, Germany; 1988

Author: Plato / Reinhard Furrer

Illustrator: Artist Brigitte Eckel

Printer: Franz W. Wesel

Binder: C. Fikentscher


Ninth printing of the Belser Press. The 56 pages were printed in two-colored offset (duotone) with six original etchings by Brigitte Eckel. Typeset by Steffen Hahn.

The advances into outer space and the scientific exploration of the universe belong to the great adventures and discoveries of our time. This bibliophilic publication communicates interesting insights and ideas to stimulate one's thinking. Visions of the Greek philosopher Plato about the world, which he put down in his dialog "Phaidon, " are contrasted with the report of the German astronaut Reinhard Furrer.


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