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Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Typographeum Barlo de Lëthe; Dësseldorf; 2004

Author: Barlo de Lëthe

Illustrator/Artist: Christof Krall

Printer: Barlo de Lëthe

Binder: Klaus Heinrich, Buchmacherei Helserdeich


At the end of mechanical typography, the term "colorform" lost its relevance for composition and printing. Barlo de Lëthe redefines ColorForm (Color [and] Form) as a fundamental prerequisite for the success of 500 years of printing, and as the most important legacy of the Gutenberg era to digital typography. The poems by Johannes Bauten (1848-1919) are set in 20 different types and illustrate the stages of development of block letters. For de Lëthe the nearly forgotten techniques of letterpress from the past are closely connected with the yet to be realized possibilities of our digital times.

Edition of 15, 30 pages.


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