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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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The Marshal's Baton

Edition M & M; Hamburg, Germany; 2002

Author: Henryk Bardijewski

Illustrator/Artist: Jërgen Meyer Jurkowski

Printer: Klaus Raasch, Hamburg

Binder: Buch Binderei Depping, Mënster


Translated from the Polish by Karl Dedecius, book design by Jërgen Meyer Jurkowski. Hand set in Baskerville and Gill and printed on Zerkall Ingres rag paper. Edition of 40, 32 pages with three folded in woodcuts.

Napoleon once said that "everyone is to be a potential leader of men." Bardijewski has written a dark satire on this dictum, Jurkowski's woodcuts and expressive typographic art vividly conveying the satirical spirit of this very short text.


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