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Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Rome, a Fragment

Vladimir Sitnikov; Kiel; 2005

Author: Nikolai Gogol

Artist: Vladimir Sitnikov

Printer: Thomas Siemon, edition carpe plumbum, Leipzig & Umtriebpresse, Kiel

Binder: Vladimir Sitnikov


Bi-lingual text (German, Russian), 28 pages with 17 illustrations, edition of 50. Relief printed on Hahnemëhle Echt-Bëtten paper.

Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Gogol (1809 - 1852) published the beginning of his novella Rome in a literary journal in 1842. Thereafter he worked exclusively on his novel Dead Souls and so there were no further installments. "My book," says Vladimir Sitnikov, "takes up the challenge of bringing an uncompleted work, a fragment, to completion by giving it artistic form. The suggested magazine format, however, leaves open the possibility of future installments."

Born in Moscow in 1958, Vladimir Sitnikov is a painter, graphic artist, and book artist who has participated in more than 100 group and 30 individual exhibits at home and abroad. He has lived in Germany for the past ten years.


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