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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Memories are Stories

KellerPresse; Barcelona, Spain / Muenchen, Germany /Dornbirn Austria; 2000

Author: Peter Wiechmann

Illustrator: Klaus Eberlein

Printer: Druckwerk, Dornbirn

Binder: Buchbinderei Schogla, Wien


Thirty-one stories illustrated by color linoleum block prints. Printed in Helvetica on Hemtec paper. Edition of 333, 80 pages.

This collection of stories begins with the assertion that there are exactly 31 important reasons for certain memories — the Paradise Memory, the Sly-fox Memory, the Desert Memory, the Dream Memory, etc. &8212; exactly 31, not one more or less.

"After I passed the journeyman's test as typesetter, my master gave me a handy Boston press and two boxes of type for my journey. I became a journalist and found my way, after several detours, to the comics. There I remained for 40 years, as inventor, developer and producer. In 1968 I founded the KellerPresse in Mënchen with my editors and we set, printed, and bound children's books. Comics during the day — cabaret in the basement during the night. The Boston press stands in the garage today, unused, and Memories are Stories was the last book in the tradition of the legendary KellerPresse!" - Peter Wiechmann


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