Books from the exhibition

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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Irish Drift

Offizin S.; Meran/Italy; 1994

Author: Margarete Hannsmann

Illustrator/Artist: Peter Schlack

Printer: Siegfried Höllrigl

Binder: Bridgitte Widner, Meran


Edition of 97, 73 copies in half-linen, 21 in full linen-bound author copies with a signed graphic by Peter Schlack on an additional page, and three one-of-a-kind copies bound in various leathers by Toni Innerhofer in Meran. Twenty-eight pages with three colored linoleum block prints. Printed in Schneidler Mediaeval on Rundsiebbëtten Chamoix paper.

The book contains 13 poems which the author brought back with her from a trip to Ireland in 1993: nature and travel impressions as well as apprehension about the destruction of our planet. In the middle section are the graphics by Peter Schlack.

Offizin S., founded in 1985, sees itself as a workshop for literature, typography and graphics. The owner/printer, Siegfriend Höllrigl, prints primarily contemporary German poetry on hand proof presses, generally hand set and in a bibliophilic presentation. Höllrigl has collaborated with bookbinder Brigitte Widner since 1995.


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