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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Winged by Their Own Need: A Collection of Poems by the Winners and the Jurors of the Robert Graves Prize for Best Hungarian Poems of the Year 1970 - 86

The New Seizin Press; Deiá, Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain; 1988

Editor: Miklós Vajda

Illustrator/Artist: Michael Kane

Printer: Tomás Graves

Binder: Carmen Garcia-Gutierrez


Edition of 300, 80 pages. Hand set in Monotype Bembo, printed on 'La Pedalette,' a 1910 hand-driven cylinder press, on Johannot paper.

In 1983, Tibor Szánntó visited Mallorca to help Tomás Graves print the first book from the New Seizin Press. The following year in Budapest, during a meeting of Hungarian Pen Club, they invited each other to a typographic joust: having agreed upon the format and the number of copies, each would design and publish his own edition of this collection of poems -- Szántó in Hungarian, at the Gyoma Printing House and Tomás Graves in this English translation, at the New Seizin Press.

The New Seizin Press was set up in 1981 in the same village where the original Seizin Press had operated fifty years earlier. It is run by Tomás Graves who studied typographic design in London and Carmen García-Gutierrez who learned bookbinding in Hungary. Together they design, set, print and bind books entirely by hand with illustrations by local artists.


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