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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Speech of the President of the United States of America J.F. Kennedy before the Schoneberg City Hall on June 26, 1963

Workshops of the Meisterschule fër Graphik Druck und Werbung; Berlin, Germany; 1964

Author: John F. Kennedy

Printing: Binding Students at Masterschool for Graphics, Printing, and

Advertising: Berlin


Hand set and letterpress printed on Hahnemëhle paper. Sixteen pages.

A bibliophilic gift for the friends of the Meisterschule fër Grafik Druck und Werbung Berlin, created by students under the direction of Prof. Heinz Bartkowiak (Sr.)

The Meisterschule fër Grafik Druck und Werbung in Berlin trained graphic designers, advertising professionals and printing specialists. For many years this institution published annual bibliophilic prints in its workshops for its friends.


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