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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Wood-engravings of John O'Connor

The Whittington Press; Chelenham, Great Britain; 1989

Author: Jeannie O'Connor

Illustrator: John O'Connor

Printer: The Whittington Press

Binder: The Fine Bindery, UK


This edition of 350 copies is set in Bell and printed on Tosa Bëtten and Zerkall mold-made paper; 300 copies are quarter-bound in buckram, and 50 are quarter-bound in Nigerian Goatskin with a portfolio of additional proofs. The Whittington Press started life in 1971 in the Cotswold village of Whittington, the result partly of an early enthusiasm for Caslon type, Albion presses and hand-made paper, and partly the wish to escape from London publishing jobs at the weekend. In 1974, the press became a full-time business, and has now published some 150 titles, including belles lettres, collections of wood-engravings, bibliographies of other presses, type specimens, and the internationally-acclaimed review for printers and bibliophiles, Matrix, now in its twenty-first year. Rose Randle does the administration, John Randle the printing, Miriam Macgregor is compositor, and Peter Sanderson the typecaster.


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