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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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The Fallmaster's Prompt Intervention During a Dog's Attempt to Stand on its Hind Legs

Edition Treibholz, Michael Wolff; Mainz, Germany; 1987

Author: William Totok

Illustrator/Artist: Michael Wolff

Printer: Michael Wolff

Binder: Gerd Adolf Schulz


Design and original graphics by Michael Wolff, edited by Peter Grosz. Set in Fleischmann-Antiqua and Times Antiqua and printed on Werkdruckpapier. Edition of 115, 64 pages.

"Here are verses and poems which now come cheap, they only cost a piece of life."

Michael Wolff, born in Kelling, Transylvania (Romania), emigrated to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1983 after spending time as a political prisoner. He lives and works in Mainz as a sculptor and graphic artist.


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