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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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About the Marvel of Births

Atelier Tita do Rêgo Silva; Hamburg, Germany; 1994

Author: Jorge Amado

Illustrator/Artist: Tita do Rêgo Silva

Printer: Tita do Rêgo Silva

Binder: Steinkuhl, Hamburg


Thirty-two pages with 21 original woodcuts. Printed in Linotype Helvetica and Tesch Hamburg on Werkdruck and Hahnemëhle papers. Edition of 55.

Amado's story about a handsome traveller who sells his little books in the poorest districts, and his troubles with jealous husbunds, is illuminated by Tita Rêgo Silva's insightful woodcut illustrations. The translation is by Curt Meyer-Clason.

At her workshop in Hamburg, Do Rêgo Silva hand-prints and publishes books in small editions, illustrated with her woodcuts. The texts are from Brazilian literature.


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