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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Walked right in!-A Typographical Circus

Schwarze Kunst / Edition Klaus Raasch; Hamburg, Germany; 1990

Artist: Klaus Raasch

Printer: Klaus Raasch

Binder: Buchbinderei Steinkuhl GmbH, Hamburg


Twelve two-color typographic prints, set by hand in both metal and wood type, with ornaments from the collection of the Schwarze Kunst print workshop. BFK-Rives-Bëtten paper, 13 pages. Edition of 30.

With simple typographic elements and reduced to the classical colors of red and black, Klaus Raasch creates a dense, lively scene, which leaves much to the imagination of the viewer. The letters are the main actors, who become animals, jugglers and acrobats.

Artur Dieckhoff and Klaus Raasch founded the printing studio Schwarze Kunst in 1984. They have produced numerous books, broadsides, portfolios and posters with original graphics — often in collaboration with other artists and authors. Raasch also produces artists' books and bibliophilic editions for publishers, galleries and museums.


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