Books from the exhibition

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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Revelations Concerning God, Nothing, and Nature, as Well as the Soul and Body of Man

Correspondance des Arts; Lodz, Poland;1991

Author: Jakob Boehme

Illustrator: Artist Igor Podolczak (Ukraine)

Printer: Januz Tryzno

Binder: Correspondance des Arts


Edition of 110, 30 pages. Ten etchings and four prints. Text printed in Zette Fraktur on paper hand made by Correspondance des Arts. Design by Igor Podolczak & Janusz Tryzno.

This is the 14th publication of CdA, 13 short fragments from Jacob Boehme's (1575-1624) writings selected and translated into Polish by Jan Tomkowski, printed here in both Polish and the original German. Podolczak's illustrations perfectly evoke Boehme's mystic philosopy. In 1994 this book was awarded the Walter Tiemann Prize and the Sch_nste B_cher aus Aller Welt.

Correspondance des Arts has a 25-year history, with 23 artists' books and several art projects and installations to its credit. Since 1993 CdA's books have been produced in the Book Art Museum in Lodz.


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