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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Schierlingspresse; Dreieich, Germany; 1987

Author: Doris Sdun

Artists: Doris & Dieter Sdun

Printer: Dieter Emil Sdun

Binder: Helmut Fetschele


Edition of 70, 48 pages, hand set in Futura and letterpress printed on facsimile printer paper. Text fragments by the Greek poet Sappho, shortened by Diktagramm. Names of 25 female poets (in alphabetical order) in anagram form.

Schierlingspress was founded in 1984 in Dreieich near Frankfurt, in the former studio of Sascha Juritz (Pawel Pan Presse). In 1996 the workshop moved to southern Spain, where it is now called Prensa Cicuta. New work in the studio in Los Guiraos (Cuevas del Almanzora Almeria) is with predominantly Spanish authors. Member of Centro Integral del Papel y las Artes del Libro (CIPAL); Benalúa - Guadix (Granada).


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