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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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The Earthquake in Chile

Otto Rohse-Presse; Hamburg, Germany; 1981

Author: Heinrich von Kleist

Illustrator: Otto Rohse

Printer: Otto Rohse

Binder: Werner Bunz


The 13th edition from the Otto Rohse Press, 44 pages with 11 wood engravings. Edition of 45. Typesetting and printing by the students' printshop of the Technical College in Darmstadt.

Otto Rohse founded his private press in Hamburg in 1962. Illustrated books as well as purely typographical prints have appeared at irregular intervals since then. Self-taught in the techniques of the wood cut, wood engraving and copper engraving, Rohse's development as a graphic artist can be easily traced through editions of his press.


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