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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Dream Alphabet

Raamin Presse Roswitha Quadflieg; Hamburg, Germany; 1985/86

Author: 13 Authors

Illustrator/Artist: Roswitha Quadflieg

Printer: Roswitha Quadflieg

Binder: Christian Zwang


The 15th book by the Raamin Press. Thirteen authors, 13 etchings in wood, synthetic resin and linoleum. Approximately 50 different typefaces. Edition of 195.

Dream Alphabet is based on the form of the typeface sample book. Dreams were chosen as texts because they frequently contain fragments from sentences, individual words or concepts and so seemed appropriate for the visual interlocking of type and image. Pharaoh's dream in the Bible stands at the beginning, while Eugene Ionesco stands at the end - 13 dreams from world literature, linked to the 26 letters of our alphabet.

The private publishing studio of Roswitha Quadflieg in Schenefeld, on the western outskirts of Hamburg, was active 1973 - 2003. Here she designed, set and printed texts from world literature with her own original graphics, producing 28 limited editions, all bound by Christian and Thomas Zwang. As the last volume, the hitherto unpublished Hamburg chapter of Samuel Beckett's German Diaries from 1936 appeared under the title "Alles kommt auf so viel an" (Everything depends on so much). In 1998 the Raamin Press was awarded the publishing prize of the city of Hamburg.


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