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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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The Battle of The Frogs and Mice

Libanus Press; Marlborough, England; 1988

Author: Unknown; translator, T.Parnell 1728

Illustrator: Fiona MacVicar


A single sheet, made up of a concertina folding of 32 leaves. Edition of 200, with a specially-bound edition of 30. Letterpress text; illustrations printed offset litho by Smith Settle, hand colored at Libanus Press. Text set in Monotype Poliphilus, Blado and Antigone.

Greek text written sometime in second century BC; translation by Parnell in 1728. This anti-war polemic, a parody of the Iliad, tells of two self-important tribes, the frogs and the mice who involve themselves in internecine war — reaching a level of bloodthirstiness which attracts the anger of Zeus, who stops the war with an army of crabs.

Libanus Press, established in 1976, printed letterpress books with wood engraved or drawn illustrations, specializing in dual text translations such as the then new, but by now standard translation of Plato's Symposium. The letterpress workshop of the press closed in 2006. The design studio with Michael Mitchell and Susan Wightman continues to work in book and exhibition catalogue design and has recently published a magnum opus — Book Typography: a Manual for Designers — reviewing the entire process of book design for publishers and designers.


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