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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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The Darning Needle

Flugblattpresse; Lahnstein, Germany; 1985

Author: Hans Christian Andersen

Illustrator/Artist: Peter Malutzki

Printer: Peter Malutzki

Binder: Helmuth Halbach


The illustrations are made up of, among other things, brass rules, photographs, linocuts, wood type, a piece of a German newspaper from 1852 and a bit of genuine gold leaf. Typface: Legende (by Ernst Schneidler). Linen-over-board cover. Edition of 135, 48 pages.

A darning needle with pretensions tries to hold her own as she is shunted from a maid's apron into a kitchen sink. Andersen's cautionary tale of overweening pride is not without a certain grudging admiration for this attribute as a survival tool.


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