Books from the exhibition

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Green Chair Press

Bartkowiak's Best: Book Art from the Hamburg Archives     
In the SFCB Gallery Jan 26-Apr 27, 2007     

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Revelations Concerning God, Nothing, and Nature, as Well as the Soul and Body of Man

The Night of Lead . . .

Natural Law and the Structure of Matter

The Next Moon will be Different

Klingstedts Romantic Reasons


I Have Affirmed

El Greco paints the Grand Inquisitor

Earth Air Fire Water

The Darning Needle


night places

The Battle of The Frogs and Mice

Every Third Match

A Terrible Revenge

Dream Alphabet

The Earthquake in Chile


Pumpkin Moon & pas-des-deux

11 Winners

No Sea Passage to India

Walked right in!-A Typographical Circus

The Man Knitting

About the Marvel of Births

The Fallmaster's Prompt Intervention During a Dog's Attempt to Stand on its Hind Legs


Bound for the Goldfields

Wood-engravings of John O'Connor


Sandomir and Ti



Hans Gentzfleisch an der Pleisse

Onward, Men, Onward!

With Lead and Soul

Speech of the President of the United States of America J.F. Kennedy before the Schoneberg City Hall on June 26, 1963

Winged by Their Own Need: A Collection of Poems by the Winners and the Jurors of the Robert Graves Prize for Best Hungarian Poems of the Year 1970 - 86

The Wicked Finger

Irish Drift

The Naked Giantess

panta rei

Absinth and Ambre Solaire

Memories are Stories

Nathan der Weise

Die Hundeblume

Rome, a Fragment

The Marshal's Baton

Ishtar's Underworld Journey


white is the wise know ~ Prose and Poetry about the Color White

Dorothy Lamour's Life as a Phrase Book

Das Gasthaus zum blasenden Wal The Spouter-Inn, Die Weiße des Wales The Whiteness of the Whale

Literary Amnesia

Amor and Psyche, a fairytale from antiquity

The Green Woman


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