Ignite Your Heart

I liked the display format of the calendar in a matchbox I did when mocking up 2015 design. I have a bunch of typographic posters I’ve done, so I’ve packaged them up the same way, as a little inspiration in a matchbox. Here are some pictures, and you can see larger ones here.

Ignite Your Heart, a matchbox book

Ignite Your Heart, a matchbox book

Ignite Your Heart, a matchbox book

Smart phone case as girdle book

I got a kick out of finding Nancy Hulan’s smart phone case, disguised as a girdle book. She says

Smartphones are handy to have, even at historical reenactment events. This luxurious leather case, bound as a medieval girdle book, protects and disguises your phone while adding to your persona’s overall look. Made with all the materials and techniques of fine bookbindings, including quarter-inch-thick wood boards, supple goatskin leather blind-tooled in a medieval design, hand-marbled paper, and metal corner bosses and latch, this case will make you the envy of all your friends.
The Turk’s Head knot, a key feature of girdle books, tucks under your belt to keep the case securely by your side. You don’t need to remove it from your belt to check your text messages or the time–just lift the case upward and open the covers. Quick, easy, and unobtrusive.

See all of Nancy’s work in her Etsy shop

Nancy Hulan’s smart phone case disquised as a girdle book

Nancy Hulan’s smart phone case disquised as a girdle book


I ran across a wonderful word blog (really a tumblr) the other day. It’s called “Otherwordly” and it’s aim is to post “words from other languages that can’t be translated… (or) words for feelings we’ve felt but never been able to name (or) just words that sound good.” Here are a few examples:

kairos from otherwordly

sillage from other-wordly

videnda from other-wordly