Alchemic Calculations

This is Katherine Venturelli’s book “Alchemic Calculations”, which uses a Turkish Map Fold. She says it “integrates some of the archetypal symbols from my on-going series, “universal language”; the symbolic images are my text. I fused a friend’s beautiful mathematical notations with etched spirals at each of the folds of the traditional accordion structure. Inspired by the medieval science of alchemy, included is the metallic element of silver leaf- a symbol of power or process of transforming something common into something precious.” See more of her books here.

Katherine Venturelli’s book “Alchemic Calculations”

Katherine Venturelli’s book “Alchemic Calculations”

Ellen Knudson, “American Breeding Standards”

Another picture in my collection of turkish map fold examples. This one by Ellen Knudson, for her book “American Breeding Standards”. She says her book “explores the systemized rules about what comprises a good or bad horse, a good or bad woman — and the steps one might take to achieve the breed standard.” The picture below is of the book cover with pop-up revealing an open mouth. See more pictures and information about the book here.

Ellen Knudson, “American Breeding Standards”
Ellen Knudson, “American Breeding Standards”

Kevin Steele

Naughty But Nice by Kevin Steele

I spent some more time looking through the designs on French Sample Room and found this turkish map fold book by Kevin Steele. It’s called “Naughty but Nice” and he says

In this tongue-in-cheek book, suggestions on social etiquette are contrasted with naughty illustrations in which the subjects have bypassed all formality of manners, in varying states of undress. Text excerpts are from social etiquette books, 1847-1950. Illustrations are from French spot and romance illustrations of the same era.

It’s a miniature book (1-1/2″x1-1/2″) and letterpress printed on both sides, too.

This lead me to his website and this really wonderful modified tunnel book. He calls it an “accordion book featuring a repositionable Alpine landscape.”

Kevin Steele: Val di Funes / Villnöss

Kevin Steele: Val di Funes / Villnöss

Kevin Steele: Val di Funes / Villnöss