Happy St Bartholomew Day!

Today, Aug 24, is St Bartholomew Day, the patron saint of bookbinders. Aug 24 is also the day of the traditional printer’s wayzgoose. A wayzgoose is an entertainment given by a master printer to his workmen. It marks the traditional end of summer and the start of the season of working by candlelight. Later, the word came to refer to an annual outing and dinner for the staff of a printing works or the printers on a newspaper. The picture I found of St Bart with a book also shows him with quite a ferocious knife! Maybe he’s bent on defending that book! So, today, make a book, print something, or just have a very nice dinner!

saint bartholomew


Recently Etsy changed their default, generic avatar to this rather androgynous one (the previous image was decidedly female). It’s sort of creepy looking, if you’re asking…

new etsy avatar

While many sellers replaced the generic avatar with something else, Etsy began encouraging shop owners to use pictures of themselves, rather than a pet or product, to better emphasis the personal quality of our shops. Since I opened my shop in 2006 (yikes!), I used this image I drew of myself

my etsy avatar

But very quickly, a handful of people decided to use the generic image as the basis for an image of themselves, rather than using a photo. I’ve quite enjoyed watching this creative play. And I liked how some of them incorporated their shop name or artform into the picture as well. Here are a couple of examples…

Hallie Oneeyecat of One Eye Cat Designs
Hallie Oneeyecat of One Eye Cat Designs
Jocelyn Pryor of Flower Leaf Studio
Jocelyn Pryor of Flower Leaf Studio
Janet Zeh of Zeh Original Art
Janet Zeh of Zeh Original Art
Lori of Kilted Woman
Lori of Kilted Woman

Joan Ingoldsby Brown’s Immortality

I ran across a picture of Joan Ingoldsby Brown’s book “Immortality” the other day. It was a big inspiration the first time I saw it in about 2001 at the San Francisco Center for the Book. Brown said “A 4″ x 4″ accordion book containing Emily Dickinson’s poem about immortality and unfolding into a 20″ x 30″ collage using found engravings of the 1800s to depict the era of the poem.” I think the poem is the one that starts with

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.

Joan Ingoldsby Brown's Immortality-2

Joan Ingoldsby Brown's Immortality-2