Knotting Issues

Weaver’s KnotI’ve tried to teach myself to knit several times — using a kit I bought (at Target of all places), youtube videos, a book my friend Kate lent me. Nothing took, all I ended up with were cramped fingers and a pile of yarn. Then Kate gave me an in-person lesson, and now I can knit a couple of basic stitches. So when someone posted on the Books Arts list asking how to do a Weaver’s Knot (used to join 2 pieces of bookbinding thread together), I followed all the suggestions (and then some I found on my own) to see what worked best for me. Turns out that a youtube video using a very big piece of rope was the one I would return to first. Here’s some more that were useful.

  • Very cool site with lots of animations and instructions for all sorts of knots. The
    sheet bend is apparently the same as the weaver’s knot
  • To the left is a diagram from David Foster’s Connecting Thread tutorial. It has more photos and instructions and is part of a longer set of book tutorials.
  • And for those that like to read instructions rather than use pictures, here is a written step by step explanation.

    Know anymore that you’ve used?

  • One thought on “Knotting Issues”

    1. hi! nice. what worked best for me was an explanation and illustration — mostly the illustration — from douglas cockrell’s ‘bookbinding and the care of books.’ it’s not surprisingly in the section about sewing… in it, he shows how it the knot is easiest to be secured by flipping it up a little bit – hard to describe!, but worth the look.

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