Home of the Sampler

my packages for the samplerThere’ve been many forum posts on Etsy about The Sampler, a promotional tool for indie businesses. They collect samples and promotional material from crafters and send them out to paid subscribers. Although it seems as if a lot of the subscribers are other crafters, I decided to put together a package for their June/July package. I’m the sort of person that needs deadlines or things don’t happen. I was in the planning stages of printing another set of type coasters and decided to print an extra 100 or so coasters. The plan is to send some to The Sampler and keep some to give away at other events or to repeat customers. Whether I send a contribution to the Sampler or not, I’ll have reviewed my promotional material and had a fun time making up a packaging design!

[I sent the Sampler 75 coasters — that’s the packaging on the left]