I mentioned this simple to make finishing press in my directions for the double-fan adhesive binding. But I think it merits a mention in a blog entry too.
A ‘finishing press’ is used to hold the text block of a book vertically, spine facing up, while the book is out of its case and repair treatments are in progress. Normally the procedures performed while the text block is in the finishing press are the cleaning of the spine and the attachment of the new headbands, super, and spine liner. It acts as a vice, holding the book tightly, yet not damaging the text block. (The definition comes from Indiana University).
Directions for making the press are here. You can see photos of more substantial presses on Timothy More’s website.
I was just prowling around for bookbinding posts (as I often do) and I stumbled across your blog. I own a little company called Atomic Publishing and we build a simple device for double-fan adhesive binding that you might find useful. I have sold these all over the world (as well as my perfect binding machine), and have gotten very positive feedback from users. http://atomicpublishing.net/atomicbindingmachine.aspx
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Kirk Whitham
Atomic Publishing