Happy New Year!

BookmarksMy New Year’s resolution: “You Don’t Have to Finish…” What’s yours?
We have a big change here at my house. After we lost my cat Leila, we decided our next pets would be 2 kittens. I wasn’t sure I was quite ready for another cat, but our house was feeling awfully empty, so we did a preliminary reconnaissance visit to our local animal shelter in late November. Much to my surprise, we came home with 2 7-month old males. Elwood and JakeThey look very much alike, but aren’t biologically related. They’ve been making themselves at home and tearing madly around the house since. That’s Elwood on the left, and Jake on the right. [ Sets of the 8-1/2″ x 2″ letterpress-printed bookmarks above are available from thisintothat’s etsy shop.]

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