Books on Books: The Creative Entrepreneur

Pod Post Girls featured in The Creative EntrepreneurI was excited to see my friends Carolee & Jennie, aka PodPost, at the table next to mine at the BABA Book Jam in October. We got to visit and catch up. But best of all was seeing their happy reaction when author Lisa Sonora Beam showed up with her book The Creative Entrepreneur, which features PodPost (you can see their trademark badge sashes in the book spread to the right). The book shows you how to make and keep an Artist’s Business Journal — a visual approach to business development for people who want to make a business out of their creative work. While I only got to browse through the book, what I saw was fun to read and fun to look at. It has a special appeal this time of year when I’m starting to think about getting organized for next year (what is it about November and December that makes me feel like such a disorganized mess that I spend all of January trying to straighten and clean up my life?)