Top 10 Books, Zines & Comics

Zine… Stastictical Analysis of The Things That Happen But Don’t Matter and everything else.My Reader’s Diary was mentioned recently in a blog article by Sarah Nicholls of the Center for Book Arts in NYC. Top 10 Books, Zines & Comics is a good introduction to what’s on offer on Etsy. She lists 10 categories (zines, comics, diaries, journals, albums, letterpress books….) with an example of each and then a link to search for more. Check it out here. The one to the left is the zine “Stastictical Analysis of The Things That Happen But Don’t Matter” from Sarah McNeil.

One thought on “Top 10 Books, Zines & Comics”

  1. This is one of the best posts ever! I don’t have time to surf much during the day and at night I’m SLEEPING, for pete’s sake …. so I really appreciated this.

    I got a thrill out of seeing my postcard featured earlier this month. I am so glad you enjoyed it.

    Cheers – Judith

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