Leila the Cat

Leila the CatRecently Leila, my little black cat, died. That’s the flipbook I made about her there on the left. She was elderly and had bad kidneys. She wasn’t the best pet — she liked to hide under the bed a lot and was often too nervous to stay around us much. She always came out to see my husband Harold when we didn’t live together, but when she & I moved in with him 2 years ago, she developed a deep dislike of all things male, no matter what we did. Even so, I miss her alot, especially her inexplicable visits — she’d jump into my lap while I was working on the computer and stand (never sit) in my lap for 15 or 20 minutes and then just as inexplicably jump down and leave again.
And I’m really glad I made that flipbook about her. Because I often gets notes from people who buy one about the antics of their own black cats. And I’m surprised how many people name their cat Leila or Lila or some variation. A woman even bought the book because HER name is Leila!

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