Broadsides for Obama

Prez by Eric RewitzerI’ve run across quite a few broadsides about Barack Obama — seems his candidacy has inspired a lot of artists. Obama’s campaign even has an Artists for Obama store with art donated to the campaign to help with fund raising.
My favorite is the linocut to the left, by Eric Rewitzer of 3 Fishes Studio here in San Francisco. I met Eric recently when he and his wife Annie took my letterpress class at the San Francisco Center for the Book. Eric was wearing a t-shirt with his design (I’ve got a weak spot for Pez dispensers — probably I caught my enthusiasm from my sister, who discovered & took me to the Pez museum I didn’t know exsited right here in my town of Burlingame).
I like the two below because they are just typographic. The one to the left is by Jonathan Hoefler. (Hoefler and his partner Frere-Jones have an interesting blog about typography.) To the right is by Cody Hudson. Eric’s t-shirt is available here.

Possible by Jonathan HoeflerObama Poster by Cody Hudson