Printing a Book, Old School

At my house we watch a lot of How It’s Made, a TV program that shows how common, everyday items are made. Things like cheesecake, tires, taffy, and canoe paddles. So I enjoyed finding this Encyclopedia Britannica video on book printing and binding made in 1947… it shows the process from author to typesetter to printer to binder. The “How It’s Made” videos are usually about things made mostly by machine, although there are the episodes that intone “the worker has exactly 82 seconds to complete his task”. This video doesn’t say how long it takes to do any particular task, and while there are lots of large scary looking machines, there are lots of people involved too. I’ve seen a “How It’s Made” on book binding (doesn’t seem to be available on YouTube) and it’s all machines.

[youtube w3rlsj-KEZE]

via Hang Fire Books

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