American Craft Show in San Francisco

Turning in CirclesI’ve got a table in the “AltCraft” section of the American Craft Show in San Francisco next weekend (August 15-17). It’s by far the biggest fair I’ve participated in, and for the past several weeks my days have been full of bookmaking and printing and getting my table props ready. I really don’t know what to expect — my books and prints aren’t the usual wares at this show, but it’s juried, the “AltCraft” tables weren’t too expensive, and I applied because it looked like a good opportunity to introduce my things to another audience. Now I figure if I don’t sell much, I won’t have to make anything else for the upcoming holiday season!
To the right is my latest wood type broadside, printed especially for this show, and just finished yesterday. It’s called “Talking in Circles.”
If you happen to go to the show, please do stop by and say hello!

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