Spring 2008 Ampersand

2008 Spring PCBA AmpersandThe Spring 2008 issue of Ampersand (the book arts journal I edit) is just out. In this issue, Charles Brownson, a retired librarian who often comments on the book arts list, contributes an article about what information to include in artists’ book colophons and Sarah Feingold, the lawyer for Etsy, helps demystifies copyright permission, in particular can you use the illustrations from an old book in your own artwork.
If I had to pick a favorite article in this issue, I guess it would have to be Theresa Whitehall’s Broadsides: Interactive Literature, a layman’s history of broadsides. She talks about a well-known local (San Francisco) printer, Jane Grabhorn, who was quite eccentric and practiced “her own brand of typography which was irreverent, humorous and cranky, by all accounts. For a while she promoted the idea that hyphens at the ends of lines were ludicrous. A word that needed to be split should simply break and begin again on the next line.”
You can see a list of all the articles in this issue here as well as order a copy.