
Several of my books have come out of projects that started badly — or at least off kilter. So I really enjoyed Harriet Bart‘s description of how her book Ghost Maps happened.

In 2010 I was a Resident Fellow at the Virginia Center for creative Arts in Amherst, Virginia where I had time to research, and develop new work. I brought a few basic art materials and several books to read, among them Italo Calvino’s fantastic and evocative tale Invisible Cities.

Settling into VA5, my assigned studio, I noted the light was good, the ceiling high, the white walls ample, but the paint-splattered and stained concrete floor was a distraction.

I requested—and was denied—permission to repaint the floor. That seemingly insignificant chance encounter marked the beginning of a series of new projects.

I started to see the encrusted floor as a palimpsest, a cartography of the creative process, even an archive. Attending to color and repetition, I marked off sections of the floor with tape, scrubber the spaces between them and took aerial photographs.

See her other books on her website.

Harriet Bart's Ghost Maps

Harriet Bart's Ghost Maps

Harriet Bart's Ghost Maps

One thought on “Serendipity”

  1. I have recently started experimenting with maps used in unusual ways. I love the idea of making maps of unusual things!

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