Prompt Challenge: Replete

The word for my prompt challenge group this month was “replete.”

replete: adjective & noun.
► adjective: Filled or abundantly supplied with or with a thing or things.
► noun. A thing that is replete; spec. a honeypot ant distended with stored food.

I decided to do a very practical response to the word. I have a hard time keeping track of all my projects and (especially) half-formed ideas. There are notes and sketches pinned next to my desk. There’s several notebooks with lists and more notes. And a spreadsheet attempting to keep track of progress on various things. And a shelf of half-done books. I collected up all of these things and made a a set of playing cards, each with one idea or half-done project and some lines to keep notes. There are 50 cards, plus a couple of blanks. Then I made a box to keep them in.

My first idea is that when I’m at a loss for what to do next, I’ll pull out a card and work on whatever it says. Or I can got thru them and see what I’d like to make progress on. Or, when going through them, I’ll remember something I wanted to work on but forgot about. Time will tell if this style of organization is any better than the previous scatter shot one!
