Knucklebuster Printing

Printer setup — Sarah WhorfThe Winter 2008 issue of Ampersand (the book arts journal I edit) is just out. In this issue, Sarah Whorf, who teaches printmaking at Humbolt State here in California, has written up a nifty method for printing on a modified credit card imprinter. The prints are tiny — just 2″x3″ — but it’s a great platform for learning printmaking. Marsha Shaw, a student of Sarah’s, teaches printmaking to both children and adults using these modified “knucklebusters.” She’s teaching a class for teachers at SFCB in June as part of their 2008 Summer Bookbinding Institute for K-8 Teachers and another for adults in July.

3 thoughts on “Knucklebuster Printing”

  1. I am totally enchanted with this process. Points to you and Sarah for sharing the building instructions in the latest issue of the Ampersand.

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